Helping forests to better resist to the global warming

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On September 3rd, the television channel RTC made a topic dedicated to the consequences of the drought on our forests. It is with great pleasure that Sylva Nova welcomed it again on site to concretely approach this problem.


In Neupré, it is an ash forest weakened by several consecutive years of hydric stress which has not been able to resist contamination by chalarose. 100 % of the trees are contaminated, but not all of them will be cut off!


In Tinlot, it is a young plantation that suffered from an 80% lack of water compared to a normal year. Most of the plants are in difficulty, but not all of them will be removed either!


Today more than ever, in order to appreciate the real value of forests and to make them stronger within a context of climate change, Sylva Nova advocates taking care of the forest over the long term in line with the unalterable lifecycle of the tree.  It is pointless looking for plantation and speed records! It is through careful reflection and monitoring, favouring quality over quantity, that forests must be helped in their natural regeneration.


This is the direction taken by Sylva Nova: paying attention to the choice of diversified species, adapting to the situation, caring for trees which can be cared for, favouring continuous coverage and reducing artificial density to the benefit of natural selection… This is the approach of Sylva Nova as the 2020-2021 season dawns.


Thanks to Françoise Bonivert, and her team present on site, for their repeated interest and time spent!

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